Prof. Dr. Ekhlas Mohammed Fayyadh
Faculty Member of Mechanical Engineering Dept
Studies - University of Technology- Iraq
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Dr. Ekhlas received his Ph.D. (1997) in Mechanical Engineering from University of Technology- Iraq. She graduated from University of Technology - Iraq in 1981,1987 , and 1997for her bachelor, master, doctor degrees. Currently, she is a faculty member in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology- Iraq. She authored and co-authored nearly 40 papers published in international journals and conferences. Her research fields focus on wind turbine, IC engines, Fluid and heat transfer, Two phase flow and Flow boiling in microchannel.
PhD, Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology- Iraq, 1997.
MSc, Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology- Iraq, 1987.
BSc, Mechanical Engineering, University of Technology- Iraq, 1981.
Wind Turbine, Internal Combustion, Fluid and heat transfer, Two Phase flow and flow boiling in microchannel
1- The effect of diameter ratio on local heat transfer coefficient for vertical
cylinders , J. of Eng.&Tech. , 1988.
2- The effect of flow velocity on local heat transfer coefficient . Pub. In J. of Eng.&Tech. , Vol.11, No.8, 1992.
3- The influence of various factors on the fuel consumption of petrol powered vehicles using a computer simulation method Pub. In Energy ,Vol.18, No.1, pp63-68, 1993.
4- New development in the wind evaluation of wind energy potential in Iraq, The second scientific conference of Babylon University , 23-25 April ,1996.
5- Aerodynamic optimization of low speed wind turbine rotor, the second scientific conference of college of Eng., University of Tikrit, 1-2 Oct.1996.
6- Thesis submitted for the degree of doctor "Comprehensive Evaluation and Aerodynamic Study of Wind Energy Conversion Systems for Iraq". Of philosophy department of mechanical engineering University of -Technology, Baghdad-Iraq.1996.
7- "Performance of vertical axis wind turbine and inability of starting "Accepted in journal of Tech.12/11/2000.
8- "Parameters affecting the aerodynamic of the wind turbine rotor design "
3rd.Eng. Scientific Conference Organized by Military College of Engineering,23-25 April 2000.
9- "Effect of airfoil geometry on the laminar separation characteristics "Pub. In Journal of Babylon University, Vol.6, No.5, 2000.
10- "Tip clearance effect of the finite wing haracteristics "Pub. In J. of Eng. &Tech., Vol.20, No.5 , 2001.
11- "Prediction of three dimensional natural convection from heated disks and rings at constant temperature ",Pub. In J. of Eng. &Tech., Vol.22 , No.5 , 2003.
12- " Measurement of three dimensional natural convection heat transfer from disc and rings facing upward and downward at constant temperature ".Pub. In J. of Eng. &Tech., Vol.22 ,No.5 ,2003.
13- "Natural convection heat transfer from horizontal discs and rings facing
up at constant heat flux ".Pub. In J. of Eng. &Tech., Vol. 23,No.6 , 2004.
14- " Natural convection from single finned tube immersed in a tilted
enclosure" Pub. in J. of Eng. No.3 Vol.13 .2006.
15- "Numerical study for a three dimensional laminar natural convection
Heat transfer from an isothermal heated horizontal and inclined square Plate and with a circular hole" J. of Eng. No.2 Vol.13 .2007
16- " Effect of internal acoustic excitation on improvement of airfoil
performance" Al-Khwarizmi Engineering Journal No. Vol.32007
17- "Numerical and experimental investigation on the effect of restriction
Shape on characteristics of airflow in a square duct”, Pub. in J. Eng. of Baghdad Number 4 Volume 16 December 2010.
18- "Experimental study for a three dimensional laminar natural convection
Heat transfer from an isothermal heated square plate "Pub. accepted in J. Eng. of Baghdad 2008.
19- "Experimental study on the presence of open cavity effects on internal
Flow and convection heat transfer characteristics” Pub. in J. Eng. of Baghdad Number 3 Volume 16 September 2010
20- "Experimental study for a three dimensional laminar natural convection
Heat transfer from an isothermal heated square plate with and without Circular hole "Pub. In J. Eng. of Baghdad Number 2 Volume 18 February 2012
21- ”Experimentally drag reduction for airfoil sections by riblets techniques” Pub. in University of Baghdad, Engineering Journal, No.992,. 2008.
22- ”Thermal characterization for a thin enclosure with an immersed perforated finned tube bundle” Pub. In secientific refereed Journal
published by gulf university Kingdom of Bahrain vol.3 No.1 Engineering and Computer Engineering Division 2011
23- " Effect of Riblets Geometry on Drag Reduction"; ASME 2012 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition Volume 7: Fluids and Heat Transfer, Parts A, B, C, and Houston, Texas, USA, November 9–15, 2012
24- "The Influence of Injection Timing on Combustion and Emission
Characteristics of HSDI Diesel Engine " Eng. & Tech. Journal ,Vol.32,
Part (A), No.9, 2014
25- "The Relation of Combustion Phases and Emissions of ULSD & HFO in a Common-Rail HSDI Diesel Engine" International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014
26- "An Investigation of the Relation Between Combustion Phase and Emissions of ULSD & RME Biodiesel With a Common-Rail HSDI Diesel Engine" ASME 2014 12th Biennial Conference on Engineering
Systems Design and Analysis, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 25–27, 2014; 06/2014
27- . "A New Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Optimizing the Aerodynamic Design of HAWT Rotor", ASME 2014 12th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 25–27, 2014; 06/2014
28- ."Flow Boiling Heat Transfer of R134a in Multi Micro Channels", Proceedings of the World Congress on Mechanical, Chemical, and Material Engineering (MCM 2015) Barcelona, Spain – July 20 - 21,
2015 Paper No. 296
29- ."Single Phase Flow Pressure Drop and Heat Transfer in Rectangular Metallic Micro channels", Applied Thermal Engineering 93 (2016) 1324–1336
30- " Effect Of Geometric Design Of The Flow Fields Plat On The Performance Of A PEM Fuel Cell. A Review Conference: World Research & Innovation Convention on Engineering & Technology 2016, Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia, 24-25 October 2016
31- ." The Combined Effect of Rib with Single Large Eddy Break Up Devices on Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristic of Turbulent Flow in
Rectangular Duct", Al-Nahrain Journal for Engineering Sciences (NJES) Vol.20 No.1, 2017 pp.281 – 291
For Phd. Level: Two Phase flow
For MSc. Level: Advanced Fluid Mechanics, Advanced measurements, and Two phase flow
For BSc Level:
Level 3: Application of Fluid Mechanics
Level 2: Fluid Mechanics
ACertificates of appreciation from the Minister of Higher Education and the President of the University of Technology.